I missed my stop on the way to dinner and while walking back I passed by this shop and was intrigued by the deco. It was a mix of old school floor tiling and minimalist modern furniture.

After bringing home and absolutely devouring a couple of these, I had to bring my reviewers for the fanciest, most hipster Bolo baos they would ever have.
Staker: Aaron
Reviewer: Amos, Yang Run
A thick slab of butter, crispy and crumbly top served warm (photo from Google)

Photo of our actual order with hot milk tea
Fluffy bread, crispy top, sweet and salty.

Upstairs was a cosy seating area, perfect for chit-chat


Verdict: +1 from both reviewers
"milk tea is $5.50 wtf " - Aaron
"Owner wearing a hulk" - Amos
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